- Multivitamin/mineral - Therapeutic ranges for adults suggested by Patrick Holford include 50mg of main B vitamins and others in proportion, 400-1000iu vitamin D, 100-1000iu vitamin E, 800-1200mg calcium, 400-800mg magnesium, 2.5-15mg manganese, 25-100mcg selenium, 15-50mg zinc. Trace minerals are also important.
- Zinc is the transportation mechanism for the laetrile. In the absence of sufficient quantities of zinc, the laetrile does not get into the tissues. A therapeutic dose is 15 - 50mg daily.
- Vitamin C 2 - 5 gm (i.e. 2000-5000mg) daily (at least 6gm while high dose of vitamin B17 is taken) Binzel used oral vitamin C in his successful programme. However, recent results confirm what Linus Pauling suggested 30 years ago, that vitamin C taken intravenously (rather than orally) can effectively fight cancer. So this would be worth pursuing. e.g. see WDDTY Review May 2006. NB When reducing from high levels of vitamin C, please do so gradually.
- Vitamin E 800 - 1200 international units daily. (FamilE by Jarrow Fromulas contains all 8 forms of vitamin E.)
- Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) 100mg three times daily - detoxifies the liver and enhances oxygen intake.
- Pancreatic (digestive) enzymes - supplement with meals and between meals.
two enzymes: trypsin and chymotrypsin
(half an hour to an hour before meals)
- Vitamin A (e.g. A + E emulsified drops 15,000 i.u. vitamin A per drop). The emulsified form is non-toxic. (125,000 i.u. recommended daily - Binzel p98) Beta-carotene is also non-toxic; retinol is safe up to 10,000-50,000 i.u. daily.
- Herbal and Natural Supplements. There are a number of preparations which are specifically anti-cancer, sometimes helping a specific type of cancer, e.g. skin cancer. Then, there is another group of natural supplements which are anti-cancer in so far as they boost the immune system.
- Check pH levels of saliva (representing body fluids). (pH 7.4 is normal, cancer cells will die at pH 8.5) Supplement with coral, alkaline minerals (+ vegetables) to increase pH levels.
- Canser Screening and Monitoring. Prevention is better than cure make we prepared to do a simple test by urine to monitor your body condition.
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