Thursday, February 10, 2011

types of cancer

Ramai yang gemar SATAY, IKAN BAKAR, PULUT PANGGANG DAN MACAM-MACAM LAGI... menu yang menHITAMkan makanan anda.
Makanan yang dibakar sehingga HITAM bukan lagi makanan tetapi RACUN yang diberinama CARCINOGEN. 
Apakah akibat bila makan makan yang mengandungi CARCINOGEN?
Di bawah ini saya sertakan jenis KANSER yang akan dideritai mengikut makanan anda:

Type of cancer and their probable causes due to CARCINOGENICS:
LEUKEMIA, MULTIPLE MYELOMA - exposure to pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, toxic chemicals.

LUNG - sprays from spraynets, disinfectants, air fresheners, flowering agents, deodorants, paint thinners, tobacco smoke, parasite - ascaris.

LIVER - nitrosamines from charred, barbecued, smoked, grilled burnt foods, hepatitis, cirrhosis, parasites, aflatoxin

Source: Tian Xian

COLON - Preservative sodium nitrites in hot dogs, sausages, longaniza, tocino, preserved meat products, parasites.

NASAL or NASOPHARYNGEAL - due to frequent intake of dried, salted, cured fish, parasites, epstein barrr virus, fungus

KIDNEY - Excess food seasonings in instant noodles, junk foods, MSG.

PANCREAS - aflatoxin from spoiled peanuts or nuts, parasites.

BREAST - 90% chronic constipation, HRT, hormone laced chicken/ beef/ milk, iodine deficiency, emotion.

OVARY - parasites (warts, HPV, candida, yeast), excess estrogen hormones, hormone laced chicken/beef/milk, iodine deficiency, emotions.

PROSTATE - iodine deficiency, deodorants, hormonal imbalance.

BRAIN - closeness or exposure to radiation from TV, high tension electric transmission lines, mobile phone, parasites.

EYE or RETINOBLASTOMA IN CHILDREN - pesticides, toxic chemical exposures, insect repellant lotions.

MOUTH - chronic thrush or mouth ulcer, fungi or parasites (epstein barr virus, strep, staph, etc)

GALLBLADDERBILIARY DUCTDUODENUM - possibly parasite Fasciola Hepatica

ESOPHAGEAL - reflux, parasites, epstein barr virus, staphilococcus, streptococcus, fungus

BABIES BORN WITH CANCER - probably cell phone in bag near the fetus, pesticides, toxic chemicals exposures

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